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Category Archives: SC Fit Blog

Monthly Challenge

  March Monthly Challenge  100 Push Ups (or as near as) You can attempt the challenge as many times as you want in a calender day/week/month Box push ups not allowed Half push ups (on knees) or full push ups accepted Each time you attempt this, add a comment below so we can support eachContinue Reading

Team Hatton ABC Boxing for Fitness

        I’m now very proud to announce that I’m a qualified Hatton ABC (aerobic, body conditioning) qualified coach. Hatton academy are the only course provider in the UK, that are affiliated to, and supported by REPS (Register of Exercise Professionals), ABA (Amateur Boxing Association) and the BBBc (British Boxing Board of Control)  HattonContinue Reading


Client testimonial The beginning this is my testimonial It was a week before my 40th birthday. I was overweight, ate all the wrong things, didn’t exercise (although I had some equipment at home) so I needed a push. I noticed that someone I worked with, was offering personal training sessions. I had been to aContinue Reading

Fitness Class Fears

Fitness class fears fitness class fears and how to overcome them It’s coming to that time of year again when we start to make New Year’s resolutions of getting fit, or becoming more active. Many people rule out using fitness classes as a possible option to help them with their fitness and this can beContinue Reading

Working Out on a Budget

Working out on a budget Fitness equipment for home use Home fitness equipment So, the nights are drawing in, and we become less inclined to exercise, or to venture outside to be active or exercise We find reason(s) not to exercise However, it needn’t be this way. There are plenty of ways in which we canContinue Reading

Weight Loss Result

Weight loss result I would just like to highlight, some positive weight loss results, that a certain client has achieved (so far!) I have been working with Client A since Monday 15th October. She has worked amazingly hard, and has been very strict and disciplined with her exercise, as well as her dietary choices. We’ve just completedContinue Reading