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Fitness Class Fears

Fitness class fears

fitness class fears and how to overcome them

It’s coming to that time of year again when we start to make New Year’s resolutions of getting fit, or becoming more active.

Many people rule out using fitness classes as a possible option to help them with their fitness and this can be for many reasons

In this article I would like to dispel many of the common fears and misconceptions of fitness classes.

Many people feel like they just aren’t fit enough to go to/be in a class:

Fitness classes are designed for all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels.

A good class instructor should be able to modify any part of his/her class, to allow for any individual fitness level.


People tend to feel like they just won’t fit in to a class environment:

Again, a good class instructor should welcome anyone to his/her class regardless of age, gender, race or fitness level.

It is the responsibility of the instructor to make sure he/she can see every participant at all times,

for safety reasons and also to make sure they are getting the most from their workout, therefore making sure that they feel part of the class.


Classes at leisure centres tend to be very popular with big class numbers, but they tend to just be a generic class.

However in my experience, I believe that you’ll find more of a welcome experience from community classes.

These classes are generally smaller with a more welcoming and relaxed feel to them and are perfect for anyone new to fitness classes.


So, go on, take the first step and participate in your first class today

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